Badin Police Department
Stephen Smith
Chief of Police
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: (704) 986-3700
Voice Mail: (704) 422-5386
Fax: (704) 422-5344
Chief Smith has served the Town of Badin since April 2020.
The Badin Police Department is composed of a Chief of Police, three full time officers and three part time officers. The primary functions of the police department are the preservation of the public peace and order, the prevention and detection of crime, the protection of persons and property, and the enforcement of the laws of the State of North Carolina and the ordinances of the Town of Badin.
The mission of the Badin Police Department is to maximize the quality of life of the citizens of the Town of Badin; to uphold the law fairly and firmly; to prevent crime; to address problems on the citizens we serve; to pursue and bring to justice those who violate the law; and to keep the peace of the Town of Badin.
The Badin Police Department will strive to be compassionate, courteous, and patient. We will accept accountability for our actions and strive for continuous improvement. We will act fairly and without favor or prejudice to the rights of others.
Joe Hawkins
Patrol Officers
Daniel Brabaw (full-time)
Timothy Shelton(full-time)
Tim Peck (part-time)
Badin Police Department Employment Application
Badin Police Department currently has full-time and part-time positions available. Open until filled. Completed applications may be returned to Badin Town Hall at 36 Falls Road or mailed to P.O. Box 707, Badin, NC 28009.
Security Checks
Please print and complete the form below. Completed forms may be returned to Badin Police Department or Badin Town Hall.
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Beautiful Downtown Badin
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Badin Elementary School
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Badin Elementary School
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Town of Badin Main Street
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Town of Badin Police Cruiser
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The Badin Museum
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Beautiful Badin Lake